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Starting with Claire? This is how it works! 

In this blog, we will describe as to how Claire implementation at Bariseau Mottrie in the cities of Kortrijk and leper was successful.
It is quite a challenge to switch your working method from a paper to a digital. That is why proper preparation and supervision is important.

29.12.22 11:15 AM - Comment(s)
Research: Paper vs. Digital in after sales

An independent time study has recently been conducted on the usefulness of a digital service process. Several car companies were compared with each other and the differences between a paper aftersales process and a digital aftersales process became clear.

01.09.22 11:16 AM - Comment(s)
Do you get the most out of your tire changes? 

The tire is a crucial product, not only for the safety of the car and the driver, but also when it comes to after sales. It is a product that generates a lot of customer contact and is also an important revenue generator within the company, especially during the tire change weeks.

The tire change wee...
13.04.22 02:25 PM - Comment(s)
VIDEO: success story Janssen van Kouwen

The employees of Janssen van Kouwen started digitalizing their aftersales process in September of 2021. After 6 months they are completely used to working with Claire and would not want to work without it.

In this video you hear from 3 different employees how they experience working with Claire and h...
13.04.22 02:20 PM - Comment(s)
Hey car salesman, have you reached your targets yet?

In the automotive industry we are always busy to get as many leads as possible for the sellers. We see all kinds of things: advertisements on social media, promotions and sales-related events. But have you ever thought about generating leads from aftersales?

When the workshop department works wi...
13.04.22 02:17 PM - Comment(s)